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Abrasives Sponge & Scotch Brite

Apple abrasive sanding sponges are using for a wide variety of wood, metal, paint, plastic, ceramics and flat surface applications. Easily conform to shapes and contours. Abrasive sponges are specifically manufactured to include hand sanding applications such as light stock removal, sanding sealer and wash-coats, touch-up or repair of primer, sanding contours, intricate shapes, and finishing.




  • Durable abrasive-coated foam lasts up to 5 times longer than sandpaper

  • Tear-resistant

  • Easily conforms to shapes and can reach areas inaccessible to sandpaper sheets 

  • Waterproof, washable 

  • Reusable; longer life




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إضافة: EBF14 ، سوق التنين (تشاينا ميكسمارت) ، دبي ، الإمارات العربية المتحدة.
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